罗定DHL国际快递 罗定DHL国际快递服务中心 取件上门

服务类型: 国际快递门到门服务
服务区域: 全境取件上门
服务时效: 全球3-7天送达
单价: 13.00元/千克
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 安徽 合肥
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2023-11-24 13:10
最后更新: 2023-11-24 13:10
浏览次数: 39

 德国邮政 DHL 集团旗下的全球和北美合同物流 DHL Supply Chain 赢得了丰田汽车北美公司颁发的 2020 年“专用递送服务”类别的年度承运人奖。DHL 于 2020 年 7 月与这家最的全球汽车制造商签订了零件交付合同,赢得了其他三家美国公司的荣誉。

  丰田在颁奖时表示,DHL Supply Chain 有能力在大流行期间在亚利桑那州凤凰城建立一个高性能的新零件配送中心,以利用 DHL 的路线和运营能力以及结构化项目提高美国西南部地区的响应能力实施方法论。丰田工厂于 2020 年开业,为亚利桑那州、新墨西哥州、德克萨斯州、犹他州、内华达州和科多州的 50 多家丰田和雷克萨斯经销商提供服务。

  “在 DHL Supply Chain,我们对人力和技术投资的承诺使我们能够在不牺牲客户服务的情况下为丰田提供yiliu的运输和物流服务,”专用车队运营副总裁 Jorge Salas 说, DHL 供应链。“作为‘年度承运人’的这一荣誉证明了 DHL 执行端到端供应链(运输、仓储和管理)的能力,为我们尊贵的客户提供效率、灵活性和成本效益。”


  “对质量的承诺是 Toyota 的核心使命,我们不断提高可靠性和客户满意度的标准,”Toyota Motors North America, Inc. 零件供应链运营gaoji经理 Jason Brown 说。“DHL Supply Chain 是重要的合作伙伴我们努力限度地缩短履行时间并提供新的服务选项,以更好地为客户服务并满足不断增长的需求。”

  DHL Supply Chain, the global and North American contract logistics leader within Deutsche Post DHL Group has earned the 2020 Carrier of the Year award from Toyota Motor North America, Inc in the category of “Dedicated Delivery Services.” DHL, which entered into a parts delivery contract with the top-selling global automaker in July 2020, earned the honor over three other U.S. based companies.

  In presenting the honor, Toyota noted DHL Supply Chain’s ability to stand up a high-performing new parts distribution center in Phoenix, AZ, during a pandemic to increase responsiveness in the southwest U.S. region utilizing DHL’s routing and operational capabilities as well as a structured project implementation methodology. The Toyota facility opened in 2020 and serves more than 50 Toyota and Lexus dealers across Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Nevada, and Colorado.

  “At DHL Supply Chain, our commitment to invest in people and technology has enabled us to provide Toyota with a best-in-class suite of transportation and logistics services without sacrificing customer service,” said Jorge Salas, Vice President, Dedicated Fleet Operations, DHL Supply Chain. “This honor, as ‘Carrier of the Year,’ is testament to DHL’s ability to execute end-to-end supply chains (transport, warehousing and management) that deliver efficiency, flexibility, and cost benefits to our valued customers.”
